The Elevator:
Print Setting: LightweightPLA thinwall. Click link for description.

The Elevator Hinge:

The Rudder:
Print Setting: LightweightPLA thinwall. Click link for description.
The back Vertical Stabilizer:
Print Setting: LightweightPLA thinwall. Click link for description.

The rear fuselage:
Print Setting: LightweightPLA thinwall. Click link for description.

The Fuselage Formers:
The forward Fuselage:
Print Setting: LightweightPLA thinwall. Click link for description.

The Servo and Battery Tray:
This can be printed in any PLA, even lightweight PLA, but you will need to turn the nozzle temp down to a much lower setting like 215 so that the filament does not foam. Make sure that you have set multiple top and bottom layers. Essentially you want this part to be 100% filled. You will also need to make sure that you are using 100 percent flow rate at this setting. This part will eventually be bonded to the rails inside the forward fuselage, but hold off on this until final radio installation so that you have room to work.

The Canopy Frame:
Print Setting: LightweightPLA thinwall. Click link for description.

The Canopy Glass:
Print this from normal PLA, or even better resin print this with a clear resin. Optionally I will be vacuum forming these from clear acrylic sheet.

The Firewall Fuselage Side:
My preference for the firewall forward is PETG, though I'm sure normal PLA will work probably just fine. You will want 100% infill on these parts.

The Firewall Cowling Side:
My preference for the firewall forward is PETG, though I'm sure normal PLA will work probably just fine. You will want 100% infill on these parts.

The Motor Mount:
My preference for the firewall forward is PETG, though I'm sure normal PLA will work probably just fine. You will want 100% infill on these parts. Orient the mount so that the side that mounts to motor is face down. I have been able to print this without supports.

Firewall Forward Assembly:
This is an exploded diagram of how all these forward parts fit together.

That is it for the cowling assembly! Check the main blog here for the next steps. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions. We will attempt to clarify the construction blog including your input as much as possible.
The Completed Pitts:
That is it for the fuselage assembly! Check the main blog here for the next steps. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions. We will attempt to clarify the construction blog including your input as much as possible.
