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This is the the business end of the JS101 jet body for The Spray jet boat project.  It is composed of the STL file for the main body as well as a print support.  Use this as a test print to tune your printer to create a flawless part.  Make sure to watch our instructional video on how to print this part with the Cura Slicer.  

A simple plunger and hole of the same diameter.  Use this along with the blog instructions to calibrate your printer horizontal offsets so that your parts can be dimensionally perfect.

This model is the rear empennage assembly for our Pitts Special model.  Use it to run a trial print and tune your print settings for optimal results. 


Make sure to study our suggested slicer settings from out blog post.  Printing an airplane is a unique single wall print that requires specific surfacing settings on your slicer. 


When you get it right, you are partially there!  Simply order the full file list from our shop and you are ready to successfully print the rest of the model.

This model is the rear elevator assembly for our Fokker DR1 model.  Use it to run a trial print and tune your print settings for optimal results. 


Make sure to study our suggested slicer settings from out blog post.  Printing an airplane is a unique print process that requires specific surfacing settings on your slicer. 


When you get it right, you are partially there!  Simply order the full file list from our shop and you are ready to successfully print the rest of the model.

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